Universal space
ユニヴァーサル・スペース(Universal space) は、モダニズム建築の理念の⼀つで、内部空間を限定せず、⾃由に使えるようにしようとするもの。モダニズムの建築家の建築空間を指して使われた語の一つで均質空間と訳されることもある。幼少期に過ごしたドイツで目にした現代的な建築は、とてもシンプルでいつしか想像に奥行きを感じていた。記憶に残る直線的な空間、存在感がありながら馴染む大理石やコンクリートの静謐な美しさを表現したコレクションとなっている。
Universal space is one of the principles of modernist architecture, which tries to make the interior space freely usable without limiting it. It is one of the words used to refer to the architectural space of modernist architects, and is sometimes translated as homogenous space. The modern architecture I saw in Germany when I was a child was very simple and gave me a sense of depth in my imagination. It is a collection that expresses the memorable linear space and the tranquil beauty of the marble and concrete that were used there.
Tinos green
Deep green remained impressive even in the marble."Tinos Green" is quarried on the island of Tinos, one of the Greek Cyclades islands, and is used in many beautiful buildings in European countries where marble is used in everyday life.It was a color that felt noble and elegant, shining in a minimalist space.

23AW Men's LOOK