Cubism -Czech Cubist Architecture-
チェコのプラハはドイツの隣国という事もあり、どこか親しみや懐かしさを感じる。 帽⼦のフェルト⼯場がある事もあり、何度か訪れる度に街で⽬にするキュビズム建築の存在感に魅了されていた。 他とは違う形で流⾏した⽴体的な建築様式のキュビズムを解釈し、時代背景や新しい価値観,ロマンティックと現実感のバラン スを⼤切にし、プラハの街に溶け込んだキュビズムのように⽇常に寄り添うクチュールを表現する。
Prague, in the Czech Republic, feels familiar and nostalgic, partly because it is a neighboring country to Germany. With the presence of a hat felt factory, I have visited the city several times and have always been fascinated by the striking presence of cubist architecture that stands out in the streets. Cubism, a unique architectural style that emerged in a three-dimensional form distinct from others, captivates me with its interpretation of the era, new values, and the delicate balance between romance and reality. I designed the couture with the image of a couture richness to your everyday life like Beautiful scenery of Cubism buildings meshed with Prague.

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